Bird conservation Posts

Ornithology and Ophthalmology in Rural Bihar, India
Blog Post

The Adjutant half turned his head, sheered a little in the direction of the voice, and landed stiffly on the sand-bar below the bridge......

UK capercaillie
Blog Post

As human disturbance threatens to push the now tiny (only 542 currently) Scottish population of Western Capercaillie even ......

Masked Finfoot tour
Blog Post

Really exciting news! One of Asia’s most highly sought after and enigmatic birds, the Critically Endangered (BirdLife International) Masked Finfoot, is curren...

David-Letsoalo birdguide
Blog Post

I have been fortunate enough to have had a successful career as a bird guide in Limpopo (South Africa) where I am based, but I often think back to when I first ...

Blog Post

Pallas’s Fish Eagle is found in central, eastern and southern Asia. Its migratory pattern is complex and poorly studied. The species’ small global populatio...

People and birding
Blog Post

Being a global tour company we have developed deep and lasting friendships and business relationships with many people all over the .........

Birdlife South African community bird guides
Blog Post

There are over 10 000 species of bird in the world. Each one is wonderful in its own special way. However, that number is just too big for anyone to fully wrap ...

Blog Post

With the increase of world population and the need to feed, house, clothe, and fulfill energy needs of nations, our world has progressively become more inhospit...

Blog Post

Israel is a haven for birds and birders alike. Israel during migration season is something else altogether. Down in southern Africa we don’t get to experience...

Blog Post

Hottentot Buttonquail must be the most enigmatic of all of South Africa’s 18 endemics. Its world population is estimated .........

Blog Post

“The Champions of the Flyway” in Israel is not just a fun race for avid birders having a good time; it carries with it a strong message that appeals to bird...

Blog Post

Birding Ecotours is a Gold sponsor of the African Bird Club because of this club’s solid track record of helping to conserve the continent’s birds. Africa...

Blog Post

This note was written for the bulletin of the African Bird Club ( (ABC) and is published here on our blog with permission from ...

Benefits of birding
Blog Post

Birdwatching tourism (or avitourism as it is sometimes called) has become a large industry and is the biggest niche within eco-tourism. The amount.........

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