Bolivia Birding Tours

Bolivia is perhaps one of the less-frequently-visited birding destinations in South America. Perhaps the reason is that Bolivia birding tours are still relatively unknown in birding circles. But the country holds magnificent birds, and with a list of 1,452 species it is the sixth country with the largest number of birds after Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Indonesia, and Ecuador. There are 18 endemic species, but Bolivia also holds several range-restricted species and 50 globally threatened species that are very difficult to find elsewhere, many of which are possible on our Bolivia birding tours. The reason for this avian biodiversity is probably the large number of different ecosystems found in the country, from the Amazon rainforest through the cloud forest (Yungas) mountains, tropical savannas, flooded savannas that border the Pantanal in adjacent Brazil, and xerophytic habitats like the Cerrado and the Gran Chaco to the high Andean mountains including habitats like high plains covered by bunch grasses, Polylepis forests at the base of the snow-capped mountains, and Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world. This is an amazing number of different habitats for a landlocked country. But even though Bolivia is blessed with this large diversity of ecosystems the countryside is still undeveloped, and some of the largest national parks such as Madidi and Noel Kempff Mercado are quite remote without major infrastructure, which makes visits very challenging.

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Birding Ecotours have developed a Bolivia birding tour that focuses on the endemic species and a number of main target species that can be seen on a 23-day birding tour that follows a relatively easy birding circuit, from out of Santa Cruz. Our birding tour to Bolivia focuses on two striking Bolivian endemics, the Critically Endangered (IUCN) Blue-throated and Red-fronted Macaws, as well as on a large number of parrots that make Bolivia a great country for parrot enthusiasts. The remote Gran Chaco is a reliable place for the most-wanted Black-legged Seriema and other Chaco specialists like Chaco EarthcreeperMany-colored Chaco FinchCrested HorneroWhite MonjitaLark-like BrushrunnerBolivian Slaty Antshrike, and with luck the elusive Quebracho Crested Tinamou.

The Trinidad flooded savannas are not only home to Blue-throated Macaw but also possess a large density of birds including Wood StorkJabiruHoatzinRoseate SpoonbillSunbittern, and Buff-neckedGreen, and Plumbeous Ibis.

The spectacular scenery that forms the backdrop to the remainder of our Bolivia birding tour holds incredible species such as several Bolivian endemics, including Bolivian BlackbirdCliff ParakeetBolivian BrushfinchCochabamba Mountain FinchRufous-faced Antpitta, and Black-hooded Sunbeam and other desirable species like Bolivian EarthcreeperBolivian Slaty AntshrikeRed-tailed CometOlive-crowned CrescentchestGrey-crested FinchMilitary MacawSlaty GnateaterGiant AntshrikeAndean CondorGiant ConebillHooded Mountain ToucanOrange-browed HemispingusWhite-eared SolitaireBlue-banded Toucanet, the range-restricted Maquis Canastero, and Yellow-rumped Antwren.

Lake Titicaca will provide great views of the sought-after Titicaca GrebeAndean GooseAndean AvocetChilean FlamingoMany-colored Rush Tyrant, and a classic set of Andean waterfowl. Our Bolivia birding tour will also provide a short visit to the once-infamous death road, formerly considered to be one of the most dangerous roads in the world with traffic of buses and trucks; today it is strictly used for cars and bikes only, providing a spectacular drive and species from the top of the mountains from Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe and Scribble-tailed Canastero to the rare Scimitar-winged Piha, the recently described Diademed Tapaculo, the beautiful Torrent Duck, and the colorful Scarlet-bellied and Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanagers.

We invite you to review our Bolivian bird watching tour to get an idea of the route we have prepared for you. Please also contact us for information regarding specific tailor-made birding expeditions in Bolivia to look for extremely localized and rare Bolivian endemics such as Masked Antpitta and Palkachupa Cotinga. We can also easily prepare an extension to the amazing Uyuni Salt Flat (the largest in the world) and the Tiwanaku and Pumapunku archaeological sites, both not far from La Paz.

Download Bolivia Itineraries

Bolivia: Red-fronted Macaw, Yungas & Titicaca Grebe (with optional Blue-throated Macaw extension)

Bolivia Gallery

Testimonials from our Bolivia birding tours

Bolivia was a place on my wish list for some time. Unfortunately, the time I picked to go happened to be a time of political unrest. But, in spite of that, Eduardo and the Birding Ecotours team did an amazing job of keeping us all safe and still managing to take us to some special places to see some special birds. The endemic and critically endangered Blue-throated Macaw was a real highlight. Sadly, the trip was cut short due to the state the country at the time, but the professionalism of Birding Ecotours never came into question. I felt safe in their hands and would travel with them again anytime.

Anne - On Eduardo and Bolivia

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