Senegal Birding Tours

On our Senegal birding tours you will get to experience a multitude of Sahel specials as well as a host of most-wanted African species such as Golden Nightjar, Quail-plover, Egyptian Plover, and Sudan Golden Sparrow. The Republic of Senegal (“Senegal” hereafter) is a country in West Africa that surrounds its neighbor, The Gambia, and shares land borders with Mauritania, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, and Guinea. Its entire west coast borders the Atlantic Ocean. Senegal is 75,591 square miles (196,712 square kilometers) in area, which makes it roughly the size of South Dakota in the USA. Senegal has a population of around 15.8 million people with around 3.9 million people living in the capital Dakar, which only became the capital in 1960, with the declaration of independence from France.

Modern Senegal came about during the 7th century AD with the formation of the first kingdoms in the region. The first major empire in the area was the Jolof Empire of the 13th and 14th centuries and this lasted until 1549. In the mid-15th century, the Portuguese arrived in Senegal and these were later joined by traders from France, The Netherlands, and Great Britain. In 1677 France took control of the area around Dakar and it took them until 1850 to spread further into Senegal. After over 100 years of French control, Senegal achieved independence on 20th June 1960. After this there was a period of unrest between the Senegal government and the Casamance in the south of the country, but this has subsided in recent times.

Senegal’s geography is a mix of the sandy plains of the western Sahel which gradually rise into a hilly landscape in the southeast of the country, reaching the highest point of 2,126 feet (648 meters). The landscape we visit on our Senegal birding tours mostly consists of forest-savanna, acacia savanna, and mangroves. The climate of Senegal is tropical with a dry season between December and April and a wet season between June and October. Temperatures in the interior of the country are far higher than at the coast, with an average of around 17F (10.5C) higher across the year. Temperatures on the border with Mali can reach a staggering 129.2F (54C) in some cases.

Read More About Senegal

Senegal’s bird list stands at 698 species (following International Ornithological Congress taxonomy v11.1 in May 2021), a high total considering the size of the country. Some of the potential highlight species on our Senegal: West African Wildlife Adventure birding tour include Egyptian PloverSavile’s BustardArabian BustardHamerkopBlack Crowned CraneAfrican FinfootCommon ButtonquailSaddle-billed StorkScissor-tailed KiteLesser KestrelSudan Golden SparrowChestnut-bellied StarlingRed-billed TropicbirdRiver PriniaCricket WarblerSennar Penduline TitLittle Grey WoodpeckerGolden NightjarWestern Black-eared WheatearAdamawa Turtle DoveBat HawkWhite-crowned LapwingEgyptian VulturePel’s Fishing OwlNorthern Carmine Bee-eaterGrey-headed Bushshrikeand plenty more! We will also come across a wide range of western palearctic migrants during the tour, including shorebirds (waders), herons, bitterns, egrets, birds of prey, swifts, and interesting passerines.

Senegal also has a wide range of exciting mammals which we may come across during the tour. The highlight would be to spot the Vulnerable (IUCN) (African) Lionwith other exciting mammals including Crested PorcupineRed-fronted GazelleRoan AntelopeCommon Warthog (Nolan Warthog subspecies), Guinea BaboonPatas MonkeyGreen MonkeyStriped Ground Squirreland Hippopotamus.

We will be staying in facilities that, while basic, are clean and offer all the amenities one can expect when travelling through this region. When we travel to the interior (making use of comfortable vehicles), we will stay in excellent and safe eco-lodges with the birds right on our doorstep. Our The Gambia: Gateway to Africa Birding Tour precedes our Senegal birding tour and the two are ideal when combined.

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Senegal: Supreme West African Birding December 2025

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Testimonials from our Senegal birding tours

Senegal and The Gambia is a delightful destination and is full of birds. For those that have not experienced Africa before, it is an excellent introduction to African birding. The river trips are wonderful and it is difficult to know where to look first with bee-eaters, kingfishers of multi colors assaulting the mind. Dylan is a very able leader whom we enjoy travelling with as his African birding knowledge is first class as well as having a delightful personality well able to overcome problems that inevitably arise in African countries. The climate of sun and heat is a welcome relief of grey, cold miserable weather experienced in the northern hemisphere in winter. Accommodation is basic but adequate and local eateries are interesting but would not win any medals for hygiene.

Sue - On Senegal/The Gambia and Dylan

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