Join Andy as he takes us on a bird-filled adventure of Australia from Darwin in the Top End of the Northern Territory to Perth in the southwest of Western Australia going via Alice Springs in the Red Center. This virtual birding tour was hosted by the Tucson Audubon Society.

Join Andy as he takes us on a virtual birding tour all the way around Thailand, a fascinating Asian country with a bird list of over 1,000 species. This virtual birdwatching tour was hosted by the Tucson Audubon Society.

The incredible birds and wildlife of eastern Australia: a virtual birding tour by Andy Walker (who guides our Australian tours). This presentation was part of the highly recommended SE Arizona birding festival hosted by the Tucson Audubon Society.

Join us as we take you on a trip through our exciting Northwest India Birding Tour. See some of the many special birds and mammals we hope to encounter on this tour. We look forward to welcoming you on our future tours to this area, and elsewhere in India.

Pelagic birding trips are always exciting, with a rarity always a strong possibility and these trips should be considered a must-do for any birder. In this video we showcase a typical Cape Town pelagic birding trip. Come and join us on our next seabirding adventure!

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